Monday 29 July 2019

We've reached Z... - Wuut

Another release. This will be a short description.
First of all, sorry for the long while of not letting anyone hear from me. I'm still going through the last few things I need to finish :P I'm basically 4 months behind on life, so I'm trying to catch up with everything here.

Now, what you all came for! Content!!!

-Added the reward and upgrade to the player city, though the newly unlocked space is rather bare.
-Added 4 sleepers to find for the pollinator story in the temple
-Finished Fehla for now - making the sleeper 'quest' available.
-Project 'Add loot for explorers' has been set off! Added loot to various places. Currently reached everything Everlight and before.


I have little time, so I'll end things here.

Thank you for sticking with us! Patrons, kisses and hugs and all that shebang!



  1. Hello.
    Started a new play whith this update. Got the same problem whith the Players City.After visit "the house on the hill" The map are divided into two halves ( the pierhouse are in two parts, divided just lover then the roof). If I try to enter any of the new houses I get stacked inside, and can not walk down to the pier and talk to Kagi. if I leave this map and return to the castle, next time entering the city the new part are gone. Crouler, please fix the "house on the hill" (the one you get a warning before entering) and the map. I have to use the bugfixer for leaving the house (black screen when the content inside are finish)

  2. Quick question: how do I fullscreen this? None of the function keys seem to do it, and my eyesight is abysmal.

    1. Also is there an FAQ page? 'Cause I feel like that would be really helpful!

    2. You can force windows to full-screen but the game engine doesn't support it I'm afraid. If you're using windows, press ALT+Enter and it'll force it, though it may not look good, since the game isn't made for it :)
