Monday 15 April 2019

Alone release (These letter codes are getting ridiculous...)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the way. Again, I have had a release for a long time but I simply have not had the time to upload and write the posts required, sorry! This is, because of that, 2 weeks of work combined instead of one. Hope that helps!

-Fixed elven noble mansion not having any collisions.
-Went back and fixed teleport points in the human noble's house in Arn-Amren. NOW it should work. Please god, work...
-Added a small quest for rainy days at the market in Ceeves Ocean
-Added a small quest that is started after an event in Arn-Amren but where the main event starts in the capital's new market area.

The new content is, hopefully, working and ready for you to use!

Also, I need to ask:

The event where you are taken to the island in Michelle's questline seems to be going off before it is supposed to. Does anyone know what they did before this happened? The issue does not seem to be the event sending you off but instead, some other event mistakenly checking the flag that says you are ready to go. If anyone noticed what they did before please let me know!

As for other bugs as well, let me know about them here or on the teamspeak. I am not good at communicating since it takes away time I don't have so I normally just go through them but I do delete all posts of fixed content, so if your post is deleted it should mean it has been fixed. If it is deleted and not fixed, I might have believed I fixed it but mistakingly so.
In other words, I need bug reports! Lol.

Remember, I need information with bug reports, please. Simply saying a name is not going to help me. The game is huge and I have no idea about 90% of the names. I have begun using the wikia to find the names whenever I simply get one. Also, place and time. What were you doing? Where was it exactly on the map? What did you do before? Is it something that has happened for a while or did it just start? Thank you for your help in finding these bugs!


That's it for this week! Again, a huge thanks to all of you for playing, huge respect to the ones doing the wikia and lastly, I bow my knees to those on patreon! Thank you so much for everything!



  1. Why you even bother with letters just go with numbers lol.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Crouler, the last time I played your game was in 2017 so I got really excited when I found your stuff again. I'm really looking forward in playing the updated version. Also, would it be recommendable to start over? or continue a save file from 2017 LOL

    P.S I will also try my best to help you reporting about weird bugs/errors that is either game breaking or even breaks the immersion of the gameplay. Thank you for working hard still on your game.

    BUG Report:
    Location: Arn-Amren (NEW AREA?!?!)
    Problem: The latest down (Alone XP, when I started a new game, and it would place the character in the new location, Arn-Amren (Standing infront of a large building).
    Remarks: I was like "O_O where am I? WHAT IS THIS PLACE? WHERE AM I???".

    Location: Ceeves Ocean
    Problem: Missing collisions on NPCs and some parts of the buildings.
    Remarks: There are some parts of the buildings (South of the map)
    where you are MC (Main Character) is able to walk on-top of the roofs) and some of the NPCs, you can even walk on them.

    I will update you more any problems if I encountered (Trying to continue from my last save file and see if its possible lol) but will likely to start over afresh.

    1. thanks for the reports! I'll be sure to see if I can't fix them. Your save should be fine unless changes to content you already cleared happened. I can't remember these things lol

  4. It's best to start over when you didn't play for a while imo.

  5. Hey Crouler,
    I've been playing this game multiple times over the years and recently decided to give it another complete(?) playthrough. Found some bugs in version which I hope can be fixed.

    capital - hospital - 1st floor: EV015 (happened with choise "She needs you anally")

    capital - hospital - 3rd floor: EV016

    player castle - divine bedroom: "Alexandra Trial"

    Fuar - Inns secret Area: EV002(Page 2)

    player castle: after saving mina in the cave

    capital - castle exterior b: Michelle event when she leaves for fuar

    capital - hospital front: game freezes when leaving the hospital after completing the recruitment of Kana (EV030: page 1 results in an endless loop)

    Common Event 045 -"Random Onsen inside events" picture is not cleared

    capital - noble district - House SE: EV002 turns off collision. After using the door, it is possible to move through walls and run outside of the intended map

    player castle - noble games: teleport doesn't trigger "Player Touch" events (EV023 and EV024). Might accidentally trigger the wrong event by moving to the wrong direction...

    capital main b: EV090: waiting for completion of the movement instruction after buying the painting may result in the game being stuck

    Spring cave 05: movement instruction in EV006 stucks the game

    Spring cave 05: final scene doesn't work for me

    player castle - divine room: The "Earth spell quest" Event is blocked due to the blank event page 4

    Buildable Town - Grounds 02: Unable to leave the beach (Messed up tile layer?)

    capital - hospital front: the grassland where Irun is standing is only accessible from the side

    player castle: Alice spawns even before frist renovation. Kinda strange to let her live in a castle which is basically a big construction site...

    player castle: Exelar spawns before you know anything about angels. Intended?

    player castle: cial swimming before the first meeting with the angels

    player castle - onsen: random common event "Random Onsen inside events" triggers without knowledge about angels.

    Oh My Gawd North: EV035(red chest) and EV036(mimic chest) accessible before knowing anything about Delangue' memory

    Road to Rei-Long desert - small cave: Event "Jane" ending with "end of questline" notification

    "end of questline" notification after helping Tarrie in Everlight

    To snow village 2: only 2 of the zeathen soldiers can succesfully be fought

    capital - Inn - sleeping quarters: EV010 changes the appearance of the divine instead of delangue's

    there were also quests which seem to be on hold but lack the "end of questline" notification. In general I like the idea of informing the player when he has reached the end of a questline but inconsistent usage defeats the beneficial purpose of this notification and on the contrary it might confuse the player furthermore

    One more thing: I have no idea how to set switch 1107 to make delangue appear in the capital inn and had to set it manually... I guess the quest of finding delangue is designed as a riddle but it seems like I missed the clues...

    And finally there were !!!a lot!!! of messed up object collisions (walls which can be walked through, grass that cannot be walked on, cliffs that can be walked over etc.). This is especially true for maps which have been added lately over the past 2 or 3 years...

    Overall it seems to me that sadly quality control has been lacking lately and content is put in the game without any necessary testing...

    I hope all this still accounts for constructive feedback and doesn't discourage you and your team.

    Wishing you and your team the best!

  6. @Anon
    Oh nothing new here in regards to collisions and quality checks, crou-tan kinda sucks at fixing collisions, they been all over the game since forever. And i don't think he is doing any qc's at all instead relying on the players. So, if you wanna see the game bug-free one day, gotta report em again and again till they are fixed. I don't think crou-tan keeps any reminder .txt's or journals where he collects reported bugs to not forget em, and that is why i still see bugs i reported like 5 years ago lol.
    Also the "end of questline" was sorta my idea and if i remember right was implemented by someone other than crou-tan, that person is probably long gone now from this gig and so we still have "ends of questline" in old places and missing them in new ones. :))) Well, he'll probably move them... One day. :P
