Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Update log 01-07-14

I got around to doing some more stuff today. Here's what:


  • Added 2 new parts to Michelle's questline
  • Added a new section. Michelle is now "Friendable"
    • This will mean that the divine officially declares her a close friend. Prestigious indeed. Nothing made here to build upon this yet.
That's it for today I'm afraid. Hopefully I'll be able to start doing some more regular updates here, as I'd like to start releasing new content for the castle and such. I will be adding a bit more to the current build before releasing it.

In any case, thanks for all the continued support! Make sure to go to the wiki and check it out and add to it. Tell me if there is anything wrong in there, it is just starting and things can change if needed.



  1. sounds awesome cant wait till next realease

  2. I expect Michelle will have one long ass H scene at the end of all this

    1. Fun fact, she was never meant to become a lover or anyone to have sex with.
      This has however changed since a lot of you guys have said you wanted more of her after everything has finished ^^ So friendship, where it was supposed to end, will not be the start of a deeper relationship, if the player wants to.

  3. About Michelle... If you declare her "Friendable", that doesn't mean you're friend-zoning her in the game or anything right? Basically, what I mean is are you choosing to make her a friend or a lover?

    1. The friend option is simply to take Michelle out of the "servant" status she has put herself in, like all others. So the player can say she is closer than someone who has to say "My lord" or the like, and instead tell her to be closer to the player.

      This means that it is a first step towards how close you want to be to her.

  4. So, I've been playing through the game, and there's one thing I was curious about. During two events I was told something would happen once i had a castle (Something about a blacksmith with a gift, and hiring the maid who helped in the conspiracy to murder me), but after getting the castle, neither of the two have showed up. Is this a bug or is that content simply not implemented yet?

    Also, looking forward to the next release so I can finally finish the mayor's daughters quest...

    1. Welcome to AloneXP! Glad to have you on board!
      In any case, the people in question have yet to be added to the castle. I'm trying to catch up now that the castle has been implemented, but there's a lot to implement from here on. I'm currently working on Michelle's questline, but I'll move on to other stuff soon.

  5. I don't mean to put pressure on you or anything, this is just curiosity

    any rough ETA on the next release?

    1. It's hard to say. It wasn't until this week that I have been working on the game regularly, so not much has been added yet except for a bunch of fixes and what you've seen. I'll likely be speeding up the production, so I don't think it's too far off though.
