Thursday, 10 July 2014

Patch 7.2.2a last fixes I think

So, it was a relatively bugless release so far. With that being said, I did manage to find quite a few with your help, though luckily only one was major, but thanks for the help!

In any case, a fix list

  • Fixed Michelle's questline statue receiving bug
  • Fixed Michelle's not correctly triggering the statue if not reading her mind.
  • Fixed a few typos (I know there's a lot in the game. While they aren't top priority, I want them gone)
  • Fixed events during the raid in the slums - Michelle's questline.
  • Fixed the guards outside the queens castle not walking correctly after receiving the castle.
  • Fixed the queens assistant talking like the queen was gone even after the queen came back.
  • Fixed Sophie's travel service thingy in Fuar if you hadn't upgraded the outside entrance yet.
  • Fixed exit from the cabin's outsides when Azmao had left.
  • Fixed some clipping issues in the divines office (private quarters, right side).
  • Fixed cutscene in third upgrade of the private quarters not working correctly in Michelle's questline.
Most of these fixes were minor, but it should all in all work better now.

Also, an important part here; Are you guys experiencing major lag in Rei-Long Oak? Whenever I playtest there I experience some crazy framedrops, but is that just me or should I be looking for a fix, as in it is something affecting you guys too?

In any case, here's the new download links

In any case, that's it for this time! Hope you guys are enjoying the new content!



  1. wow, that was fast

  2. Thank you for your work!
    But I am now confused with main plot...
    If that guy at very begging in cave with ghost is one those "evil guys" why did he let us go like he didn't even care about it? It was more like he wanted to check us if we could take care of ourselves before letting us out...

    1. For fuck sake, blogspot didn't post my long ass reply >.<
      I can't be arsed to write everything down, but in essence, the player would have escaped no matter what at some point, if not by his own strength then by the high angels or demon lords help. This would have possibly caught or killed the guardian, and thus he let the player go. Now, had he said "Oh no, he mustn't leave" or the like, the player would have had a larger base to ponder on, and in the end would have given the traitors less time after his escape as the player would have been able to easier identify the problem.

      Again, sorry, my last answer was deleted, for some reason blogger always delets my first fucking post....

  3. The mayor of Everlight told me, in no uncertain terms, to go bother you. Sooo...

    Consider yourself bothered, I guess?

    Honestly, though, if I had to choose, I think I'd rather bother you about expanding the H-content in the human milk farm.

    1. Haha, I'll remember that :P The mayor is not needed right now in the actual content, though she will be needed more later on, so I'll wait a bit with her.

      The farm will also be built upon, though I'm in a bind right now as I have placed myself in some issues if I want players to keep their own savegames. So for you guys to keep your savegames I'm currently doing things in a very specific order :P

  4. Ah, well I did find a bug. In your castle, in the servants quarters where the construction worker who allows you to upgrade said area is standing, the wall there can be walked through. You can go through one part of the room to the other through a large chunk in the wall.

  5. For the Michelle questline, does it stop with her looking for enemies on your island?

    Also, can anyone help me with the succubi quest? I keep killing them but they always come back and Lej Vakh (or however you spell her name) still says to kill them, how many am I supposed to kill?

    1. dont know about michelle, but I think so

      you need about 25 succubi

    2. Ok, cool thanks. Guess I'll just kill more Succubi then

    3. When reaching the people on your island the questline stops as I need more area's before continuing this quest. I will however first like to do some other unfinished stuff.

  6. not to sound like a jerk or anything, apologies in advance if i do

    ....but is this everything? its a bit of a small release

    its just that I got the impression from the update logs that more stuff had been done

    1. No offence taken. Stating "1 part of *** questline" it means just one part as in 1 event like speaking to Sichil and then one more event when speaking to another or fighting another.

      This particular release had a good amount of new areas which takes a long time to implement and had a good amount of quests. The castle release was a huge release comparably, but I prefer to make the releases relatively small, both for my own sake and the sake of testers.

      Another thing, which you as a player wouldn't notice is multiple choices. Not a lot was in this, but basically, every multiple choice in the game double's all work for me as it leaves two separate endings and future multiple consequences.

      Like, if you lost the battle at the slums a new outcome would happen and if you chose to become Michelle's friend etc.

      Each of these outcomes and the future different consequences are represented with "1 part of *** questline", so it is fully understandable that you would expect a lot more than what you would inevitably get. Sorry about that.

      In any case, there's not much I can do. All eventing and story stuff is something I need write down and create and it does take some time. Before Mugginns, Naki and previously Geggerlan helped me everything took more than twice the amount of time that it does now since I also needed to make the maps.

      Right now I do not need to create the maps, but whenever they make a map I need to import it, and in most cases this means to implement everything such as travel points and activating the tileset used that was not yet activated so to not have any clipping issues.

      In any case, I hope you know a bit more now, and I hope you have a rough idea of what the update logs represent in the future :)

    2. ah, that makes sense

      thanks for clearing that up

  7. Crouler, sorry to bother you but where can I find Michelle, Solar and Stelar when they go to your castle? I've been looking for a while, but the castle is so big (which is a good thing) that I can't find them. I'm also looking for the blond maid that you can hire at the Everlight Village inn as part of Michelle's questline (I forgot her name, It's Lia-something I think. She stole a seal from her noble house and Michelle wants to tear her face off when you and her corner the maid.) as well as the blacksmith that is supposed to forge something for you, who is also a part of Michelle's questline. Maybe they haven't been added yet.

    EDIT: Sorry nevermind, I found Michelle, Solar and Stelar in the Guest Room area of the castle. I'm still looking for the blonde maid you can hire and the blacksmith. Anyway, do all the people who want to visit your castle automatically go to the Guest Room area?

    1. Only 1 set of people can be there at any given time. But so far the others have yet to be added. In order to make sure that you guys won't have to start over to make things work I'm releasing things in a very specific order :P

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Umm ! Maybe this question is a bit stupid but can you tell me how to take the "Scientist Stuff" quest at Fuar.
    And when I play Alone patch 7.2.2, after receiving the gift from Michelle and go to mountain areas at Rei-Long Oak, has a fight.... and after talked with the demonlord named Amazo or some thing like that, invite the woman to the castle, return to the castle and i can't go to the Throne room, no matter what way i take like dining hall, bath, guard room.

    1. Are you using the fix? 7.2.2a?

    2. Also, the sciencey stuff questline is started on the bounty board in Rei-Long Oak.

    3. I am encountering a problem where I can't enter the cave once I'm told to kill the queen insect thingy. Something about "I really shouldn't go back there now". Am I missing anything?

  10. Where is the maid you hired? I can't seem to find her even after purchasing the other maids.

    1. You're talking about the one from Michelle's questline who you can chose to hire/enslave etc, right? In that case she has yet to be added.

  11. For some reasons, I can't open the 'Game.EXE' ?
    Opens for 1sec. then the window closes (with an error sound).

    The only difference I see between the new updated folder, and the previous (folder) version I have is 2 DLL missing from the new one... RGSS104E.dll and RGSS104J.dll

    If I put those 2 DLL in the new folder, the game SEEMS to works.

    1. I have no idea why rpg maker sometimes does this, but it does. In any case, as long as it works it'll be fine, it's part of the engine that for some reason sometimes fail to follow <.< And it's random when it happens. Same set of files can work on 999 people and then fail on 1 person.

  12. is the elf noble realeased yet if so where

  13. love the game keep up the good work
    how do you get the fluffy sword? i keep on gambling at the lottery and i lose like 90% of the time and when i do get towin it's usually money or the ores that i have no idea what to do with. please help!!!

    1. Unfortunately, I believe it pretty much just up to luck whether or not you get it. Try saving beforehand and reloading that save if you don't get it after losing too much money.

  14. NIce going with the new release. But I seem to have an issue with the science quest *again*. I defeated the quuen - thanks for the fix -. But after I speak to the ain science Lady, she tells to speak to someone in the lab for my reward. But I can't go down the stairs because I always get the text, that I am not allowed to go down. So I can't get my reward. Or is that part not implemented yet?

    Cheers and keep up the good work.

    1. I've shown Mugginns your post and he's been looking at it since yesterday. If nothing comes from it I'll fix your save directly and try to locate the bug as well.

  15. First, thanks for the amazing game. I have a quite few questions, the Michelle questline stops after defeating the raid in the slums in the capital?, the main quest is until having to find finding the elf?, how do you get to fuar?.

    1. Currently it stops after the raid in the slums and then speaking to Sichil.

      And the elf is not in the game yet, so yes :)

      Getting to Fuar you need to go to the first area, where you started in the game and then instead of going south you go east. Once you've been there once you can use the escort service provided by Sophie to get there.

  16. Just wanted to confirm that i have also experienced massive framedrops in Rei-long oak at first i thought it was becuase of my really old computer but if you experience it aswell there might be more to it. Anyway i really like the game so i'd appreciate it if you keep up the good work and all that. =)

    1. Also i just remembered and in case it might be related to big framederop in Rei-long oak is that i experierience big framedrop in everlight aswell although once again it might be my old pc

    2. If it's not something everybody experiences I doubt it's the games fault. I just find it weird as my computer is in the serious high end xD

    3. huh that is weird but for me it really isn't since my pc is, by current standards complete shit but i can still play the game which i'm quite content with since i enjoy it. Also it is good if it's not the games fault since that means you can continue adding stuff and fixing stuff that needs fixing ^^

  17. No lag in Rei Long Oak for me, but I did see two issues with Shilash:
    1) She supposedly gives you 500 gold for each special herb you sell her. But does she really give you any gold? I see no "Change Gold" command in the event, so it seems like she does not
    2) Also, when you talk to Shilash and choose "Tell me about yourself" you get EVERYTHING she has to say due to how the event is set up:
    - if variable 71 is equal to 0 you get her first line and the variable is increased by 1, making it equal to 1
    - THEN the game checks if the variable is equal to 1 - and it always is due to the above - so you get the second line and another increase of the variable, making it equal 2
    - next the game checks if the variable is equal to 2 - it is thanks to the above - and you get the third line plus the variable is increased to 3...

    It keeps going like that until she's out of things to say, all in a single conversation.

    I suggest using a label (let's name it "Snake Talk") to fix this. Put the label at the end of that part of the event (after the 8th conditional branch) and then in each conditional branch, right after variable 71 is increased, add a Jump to Label Snake Talk

    Also, I'm not sure if this is intentional, but even if I have something to sell to her she still complains that I have nothing she wants.

    P.S.: By the way, when selling the special herbs to Shilash, wouldn't it be better to directly set variable 75 to the number of Special Herbs in inventory? Or is there a reason it is set up the way it is?

    1. Thanks for the list, I hadn't realized that I forgot to add money to the herbs event ^^ Reason why I made the event like I did? Well, I didn't think about it a lot, I just made it, though I suppose the other way would be simpler.

      Also, I had forgotten to put in jump to and normal labels, and this has been fixed. Thanks for mentioning it!

  18. hey crouler, out of curiosity, are the update logs at specific intervals or completely random?

    1. Update logs area t random. I work a bit whenever I have time, and whenever I have enough to show I'll make an update.

  19. Rei-Long Oak lags like a bastard for me. And the casino? Terrible. I can't stand going in there with how badly it lags for me.

  20. Crouler I'm having problems with the Fertility Questline. I had sex with Illina and I used the Cleaner and now I'm stuck. Talking to Joan doesn't advance the questline.

  21. Excuse me! I has a question, about the woman in a cave isolated from the cave of the golem at the beach at Rei-Long Oak, how could i get to her?
