Friday, 3 October 2014

Todays news! Update report 03-10-14

I'm back! With the game this time, mind you :P

Mugginns just delivered the game to me, and I shall once again start working on it. He did some awesome stuff with the new area, and it looks amazing.

So, about the content:


  • Mugginn's new stuff
    • A lot of new maps
    • New questline
  • Crouler's new stuff
    • Added sex scene for sleeping quests
    • Added the first basics of the brothel questline
I'll be working on it tonight, I think, and then tomorrow I will be able to start doing a lot of new stuff, hopefully!

I'm glad that all of you remained during this period of not doing too much (though i made Mugginns work a ton, lol) and I shall do my best to do a lot on the game.

I can however say that I won't have as much time as I had last year. I'm settled at my new place, but I have a ton of work for university, and it sucks with the amount of reading I have to do...

In any case, thanks for sticking with us! It means a lot!



  1. It's nice to have you back.

  2. Welcome back!!
    When will the content for the deviant woman in the casino be worked on?

  3. Welcome Back!!!
