Greetings, Naki again. I am posting to inform you, that while Crouler is on vacation, I have been given permission to do something special. That special thing is to livestream my map making for the general public. While I know this blog is not amazingly huge, I would enjoy it if you watched and commented. I will be playing all sorts of music, so if you just want to watch, be sure to turn the volume down.
So please come watch here at:
I have crappy internet here, close to dialup in shittyness. So the quality is a bit low, forgive me.
Current Live stream status: Off.
Edit 7/1/13
For saturday and sunday I did no work on my maps. I however was in a D&D session for Sunday(was moved from saturday). I will possibly work after my appointment today, but I doubt it. Overall work on my mapping is coming along just fine. I have been advised to take it slow, and to not wear myself down.
Thank you for your patience.
Edit 7/3/13
Nothing done the past few days, as I have caught the summer flu, called family. Gotta prepare the stupid things for the 4th and my brain is everywhere but on mapping. Please do not kill me.
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