Saturday, 8 June 2013

Progress report toward next release!

Right, so things are going pretty smooth. I'm working on the game quite a lot since my vacation just started.
Due to the nature of the next release however, it will be a bit. I won't be giving any time of release, since I most likely won't follow it anyway... So, anyway, the next release will be the new arena + Casino, which will be linked. A quest line will explain for me once the release hits, so please be patient. Lots of gambling and blood and tears and crap like that.

So far I've done:

New content

  • Casino main body. (This consists of several gambling areas, a V.I.P dining area, and hotel entrance and hotel main area, as well as a V.I.P gambling area)
  • Luxury suite for the player to rent in the casino
  • Cafe - linked to the casino
  • Office, containing the casino owner. (This is still under construction)
Bug Fixes (Since most bugs were fixed in the last version only a few will be fixed in the next release.(Keep in mind you can always report the bugs! I'll be checking for the reports and fixing as soon as they are reported))

  • Condom not disappearing after humping Sheila at the farm.

I just wanted to keep you guys informed, since I realize I'm bad at telling you guys what I'm doing in these major stretches of time between the releases. I will do so every day/few days that I work on it.
Or, in other words, whenever I've done something worth mentioning. 

Important notice!
Do NOT open any more pictures from creatures you defeat! (Read below for reason)

The picture system is about to change, so keep the boxes instead of opening them. I'm sorry, but the porn book is most likely gonna go away. It was a crappy way of saving pictures, thus, I will make another system that will allow for another way of saving your gathered pr0n.

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