Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Build Update 3.7

Right you lemons,a lots been happening in the last few day but stuff gets done.This is just a short notice to let you know that the first part of my quest(haven't come up with a name for it yet)is done and the second part should be done and tested before the next release.A slight problem with resource finding and my own stubbornness means I'm hand drawing two bosses(one who might feature as part of all my quests).I had wanted to get the full story line done but Crouler pulled a deadline out of nowhere so you'll have to settle for parts 1 and 2.
That's all for now,have a happy Halloween all you pagans.

Mugginns A'Gogo,
Keeper of the Brass Monkey,
Banana Whisperer Extraordinaire,
Watcher of Chickens,
Slayer of The Terror,
Usurper of the Throne,
Lord Admiral,
Master of Ceremonies,
Inventor of Original Sin,
HomNomNom Veteran,
Code Map Monkey,
Got Your Nose,
Protector of the Sacred Gnome,
Coffee Nut,


  1. humm okay so ur making the qest but have no name for it lol.........................................
    ......okay lol tahts new
