Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Big Build Number 3

Right you lemons,as you know,I now have a direct hand in the game(no one was more surprised than I).So,while Crouler is tucked away where ever he is,I am now responsible for the progress of the game.I hope to get everything done in a week,two weeks at the most.Why so long you ask?Well not only am I making a series of maps for my side quest but I also have to code it and write the dialogue.But wait,there's more!Crouler sprung another project on me,a whole new town! It's gonna be about the size of Everlight,perhaps a bit smaller.
To Do List;

  • New Town: 9~13 buildings of varying size + interiors
  • 1 large building and a cave system
  • Content that doesn't break any of the game lore    
I'll aim to get an update out every 2 or 3 days,provided theres something to report.
Thats all for now minions

Mugginns A'Gogo,
Keeper of the Brass Monkey,
Banana Whisperer Extraordinaire,
Watcher of Chickens,
Slayer of The Terror,
Usurper of the Throne,
Lord Admiral,
Master of Ceremonies,
Inventor of Original Sin
HomNomNom Veteran


  1. I'd like to report a problem:
    during a fight i summoned an imp and he was still alive at the end, and now whenever i try to summon something in battle, there is a massage saying i can't summon more than one creature, although the imp is not in the fight, so it has become impossible for me to summon anything...

    the aside, the game is great ^^

    1. Hey man, sorry to hear you're having problems (insert standard EA bullshit here).
      In any case :P Can you tell me which monster you were fighting when summoning the imp? I most likely forgot to de-spawn in that particular fight :/

  2. isent the imp dead that always happens to me when thaer dead graet way to prepare for harder enemyies and dont forget tot add peopol to teh town mugging:D

    1. populating the town is thankfully not my job,im just the labor

  3. im trying to get a hold of Crouler for that bug,so far no luck. Have you tried using a campfire or sleeping?It might reset things.No guarantee though. I had the same thing with a different monster,but it went away on its own after a while
