Saturday, 26 October 2013

26-10-13 New scenes as we near the much awaited release!

Well, I'm psyched about Mugginns contribution to the game! For the first time it might not be a hassle to go through the new content for me^^

In any case, as we near the week's end, I have made new scenes for the game.
The one mentioned before, and two more as of now. I might make some more tomorrow, but I can't promise anything as I'm fighting to do my exam too lol.

So, for the next release, there will likely be more sex, again, and then, the release after, if we're lucky, the snow maps and quests will be here!

Just wanted to keep you guys up to date on my progress, as I have no idea of how mugginns is doing :)

for now, thank you so much for the continued support! Going to the blog and seeing so many people from all over the world checking up on my game, it is amazing! You guys are the best!


Edit: And I made another scene... I kinda went all out here, and made it into a somewhat large "quest-ish" thing... So you probably won't have it right away with the next release, since I'm going to have to add a lot of quest stuff that I can't add while Mugginns is working on his quest.

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