Saturday, 6 December 2014

Need your help finding -

So I need some help. Can any of you guys tell me which version was the last working one before the freezes we now have?


  1. probably 7.2.2a or lower, cause i think the stuff started happening when you releases 7.3

    and 7.2.2a was the only previous one before that one that worked i think

  2. Wish I could help, but I haven't ever really experienced any freezing issues with the game for as far back as I can remember.

  3. Yeah, 7.2.2a is the one i started with and made it all the way through everything i found. it only got stuck in the castle, when i think i progressed the main quest as far as it went. all the versions after that have froze / locked up at certain points.

  4. The latest version I have is 7.2.2, and it doesn't freeze(I've been waiting for more content before I download a newer version and replay the game).

  5. don't know if this matters or not but i also have RPG maker xp. i noticed the game seemed to be using a rather old version of xp since mine refused to open the game also noticed only some people complain about freezing so i wonder if it is a compatibility issue.

  6. so any kind of update on what is happening?

    1. Well Crouler can only really work on the game on the weekend. It looks like he'll be starting over from version 7.2.2/7.2.2a. I suspected that something got corrupted, Crouler thinks it could also be a script/set up issue. If the freezing crops up again then we'll have to try a slightly older verion than 7.2.2. If it still happens after that, well we're in trouble. We could port the whole game over to VX Ace, it being a better engine and all, but Crouler fells it would drain all his motivation if he had to start the whole game over again. He also thinks moving the game over to VX Ace would annoy/upset people since the game already made a move from VX to XP.
      That's the long and short of it. Hope this explains things.

    2. well could the problem be from one of the many updates he did to the game after 7.2.2a was released, i think there was quite a bit put in the game since that(going from the blog posts) could something of that broken the script somehow?

    3. Forgot to say:
      Probably the simplest way to check if it is the anti lag script or an update is to take 7.3 (that is where the freezes started, and before he started fixing)
      and remove the anti lag script there (before fixes). Then try going to that soldier up in the first city who trains you in combat skills and check if it will function normally or not, if it functions normally then it means its the anti lag script has been the problem and his fixes would need to be removed since they would cause more trouble in the long run. But if the game still freezes even without the anti lag script, then it would mean that something in the updates that were placed in the game since 7.2.2a was causing trouble.

    4. Thanks for the suggestion, I'm sure he'll give it a try.

  7. there is a chance you don't have to start over from version 7.2.2.
    i messed a little with the latest freezing version and tried out some anti-lag scripts and actually found one that prevents freezing (tested it to approximately 1/3 of the mainquest)
    so here is what that script is called: Blizz-ABS Event Anti-Lag (ABSEAL) by Blizzard
    and this is where to get it:
    greetings and good luck stranger

    1. sorry, got a little confused
      it's not the LATEST but the FIRST freezing version (wanted to take care of the problem where it started)
      by the way: if you want to try it out delete zeriab's script first (just wanted to clarify, sorry(again))

    2. (Fucking blogger deleted my post yesterday and now I see it isn't here lol. Damn...) Anyway, does this remove the freezing problem entirely?

    3. as i said/wrote tested up to a third of the mainquest and no freezes, neither doors nor events leaving or resolving off screen
      after a little script studying it turned out that there is a simple reason why the freezes won't and don't (for at least as far as i tried) happen: the script doesn't mess with the way events resolve
      so it might (just might) lag a little when a lot of events resolve simultaneously
      and the tested version was 7.3(first freeze version)
      i hope i could help a little
      greetings stranger

    4. Please, have my children. If this works I'll die from excessive amounts of happiness xD Thanks for looking into everything! :D Will start working on the next release with the new script. Hope it works! :D

    5. erm... okaaaay (to-do-list: get some duck tape for crack protection)
      just kidding ;)
      i really really hope it works out the way i planed (that sounded creepy)
      and i'd be happy if i could see a finished version of the game someday
      stranger (again)

      and i'm awesome (seriously)

  8. Crouler I have back to ver. What's your e-mail?
