Sunday, 16 March 2014

16-03-14 Update log

Added a lot of text and background today, and began working on yet another questline.

Good thing is, once I'm done with these two questlines, Fuar will be done for now, and I can move on to the noble and common districts in the capital. And once they are finished (they will likely only have inhabitants to begin with) I can start adding life and function to the player castle. Huzzah!


  • 3 parts to the "shrine" questline.
  • Added sprites for the mayor and a new priest.
  • Scoured the internet for materials for the smut scenes in the new questline (Oh boy, there shall be pr0n), and found what I will be using for the priest and mayor. (much more is needed)
  • Added a few items and world items.

Today has been a productive day. Took a good many hours to get this far.
I have also given Mugginns the information he needs to begin the town that will evolve near the player castle and he will start working on it. However, the buildable town will not be here for a few updates, so don't get your hopes up :P

As you can see we are still in need of quite a lot of stuff before we can release it, but we are drastically closer than we were at Christmas, and it likely won't be as long as it has been since then. Hopefully it will be nowhere close to that long, but time has a habit of screwing people over, sending random shit into their faces with its friend, the bully, life... jesus -.-

Anyway, thanks for reading this long-ass post! :D
I'm happy to be back and active, and hopefully I'll be able to give the game several hours a day, which I haven't been able to do in a long time. 
If everyday was like today I'd be done in less than a month ^^



  1. Man when the next patch comes out I know I'll have a white night again :3 (IDK if I used that expression well because you know I don't speak English that well)

  2. Thank you very much for your continued work.

  3. Just finished nearly everything in the demo (couldn't beat the poison wasps that guard the statue that cast sharp and weaken) in eight and a half hours. Had a lot of fun, hope you finish the game. And I also hope you can import the demo's save because holy hell I'm not grinding all that again.

    1. The saves are easy to import, no worries, all you have to do is copy them to the game folder in the same location as they currently are, just in the updated version :)

  4. humm u guys been bussy since last time i checked in good nice keep up teh good work :)
