Saturday, 21 September 2013

Update,the first

Alright lemons,so I guess this'll be the first update of mine,so to cover what Crouler hasn't been posting is that I've been working on a Nobles district.Thus far;

  • It has 9 buildings(there's room for expansion)
  • 3 of which are normal/small-ish and 6 that are pretty big
  • So far the 3 smaller buildings are done along with 1 of the bigger ones
All in all,my rough estimate of work done is about 39%  because interior decoration is a bitch.
That's all for now,tune in next time for more thrilling tales.

Mugginns A'Gogo,
Keeper of the Brass Monkey,
Banana Whisperer Extraordinaire,


  1. well this sounds interesting. I was wondering where all the nobles live in the capital.
    Looking forward to this content

    1. Crouler has all the details and secrets,Im just the map monkey.
      Hope everyone likes it though

  2. give us jour all tehe info u know:P
