Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Getting off topic(Update 1.5-ish)

Right you lemons,I had planned to get a lot of the map finished in the last 3 days but events conspire to grab my attention at every turn. The first was the long postponed Warhammer match(I lost 18-2), then there's me trying to learn Japanese,my nephew's 2nd birthday and being conscripted to help tile a kitchen. I've no idea what bullshit fate plans to throw at me tomorrow but I thought I should give you a heads-up that progress might be slower than expected and that updates might be scarce.
In the time I did have I;

  • Redesigned one house(a small set back but I think its much better now)
  • Finished the redesigned house and started the next,all the floor plans have been done which is like 1/5th of the work.
Not much of an improvement but I'm trying to clear up time to power though 2 or 3 more houses,and with any luck I'll have it all done before the week's end. 
That's all for now,stay tuned for the next exciting expisode of What Crazy Shit Will Happen Next.For now,I'll leave you with this handsome devil;

Rape and Pillage

Mugginns A'Gogo,
Keeper of the Brass Monkey,
Banana Whisperer Extraordinaire,
Watcher of Chickens,


  1. ah Japanese whis i cold read and speak it id have no problem whit reading any VNS in Japanese that way

    1. I've no idea what VNS is but I think it would be better in the long run to learn the language
