Saturday, 30 May 2015

Release 7.4.2 out

So, this release has a bug fix (just a single one, sorry) and new content to the brothel.

My current aim is to expand upon the brothel. I've now gotten past the simple "find girls" part, and porn scenes should be less frequent in later releases, so I can start focusing on more story content.

Anyway, here is the log:


  • Added New girls to the brothel, 4 new girls available.
  • Added new sex scenes to brothel.
    • Added new bondage scene.
    • Added 1 humongous scene which includes 3 scenes. (Took fucking 4.5 hours to make...)
  • Added all girls to the brothel speech system for Anasta
  • Fixed (hopefully) a bug where the Onsen quest would freeze game on rare occasions when fleeing the underground monster.
Anasta will ask the player to talk to her for further stuff to do after getting all the girls, but this is currently not implemented.
As you can see, this is mainly a sex update, with that one bugfix.

That is pretty much it, so here is the download link.

That is it for today! I'm sorry for not getting to the bug reports. I intend to, in the near future, make a pure bug fix update for the updates reported. But currently, as long as the important stuff works I will only pour attention to major bugs and new content. Maybe after a few releases of content I will focus on bugs! 

As always, thanks for the time you guys give us by being active here! I've never seen so many posts as the last weeks, and it really warms my heart to see that :P Normally I can just see the numbers on my stats, and I see thousands of people coming, but lately people have been very active, and that made me happy :D Even if I suck at replying, know that I'm reading through the comments.

A small announcement I need to make is that pretty much all the time I have for the game is Saturday, and for a good while that will stay the way it is. This means that all work on the game I can do is added on Saturdays. As you can see, I put in around 6 - 7 hours today, and I aim to do that every saturday, but all other days are reserved till exams are done. Hope you understand!

Now, please take care, and thanks for sticking with us! It is amazing to know your game is getting this amount of attention, and I think a lot of other game makers would be jealous of our fanbase, and I know that I'm in the heavens whenever I see how many people play our game!

Thanks for now, and stay cool!


Friday, 29 May 2015


Hello, all. In response to some of the bugs that have been posted, Muggins and I have teamed up to release a patched version for you. Like the title says, this is not an update, so no new content, just  bugfixes. The bugs fixed in this version include:
*The Startup bug that pops up after renaming protagonist
*The onsen gargoyle freezing the game
*other misc. bugs

Mega Link

P.S. Although there is no new content, there are some spelling revisions (mainly in the Everlight mayor's house) that were not in the previous release that have also been included.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

New Release 7.4.1

So, it is finally here! I can't really say much, except for "RpgMaker is fucked".

So, since Mugginns did most of the stuff for this release, I have very few comments on it. I know it is an expansion to the Onsen, so check it out!

As for RPGMaker, fuck it royally. It can't compress anymore, it can't open anymore <.< I had to zip the entire game straight to the upload so that sucks.... But I digress, there is another issue.

Now, normally, I do backup everything I own, I'm just that type of person, but something bad happened. I accidentally deleted a file that, for unknown reasons, I never backed up. This file contained the progress log I keep to myself to help me remember where I am on which quests... Now, none of the game is gone, luckily, but that file is, so the games progress may look slightly different than originally planed, I'm sorry. It won't change much, I'll just need to do more work when finding what quests are unfinished.

If any of you wish to help, you can write a list of quests that aren't done, it would help out a lot :P

In any case, update log! :D


  • New onsen stuff. (Can't say much here, this is Mugginns stuff :))
  • New girl and more stuff for the brothel.


That is pretty much it, since RPG-maker fucked up everything I have not been able to add the newly done proof-reading, but I've been promised that it will be added later on :P Sorry, and thanks a lot Zaroz!

Right, so that is it for todays update! Next week I hope to add more stuff to the brothel and to the quest of one of the girls from the Casino. For now, have a nice weekend, sorry for the long wait for this update, and have a nice one!


Monday, 18 May 2015

Time for next release soon.

Hello, I apologize for the rare updates from me. I wish to tell you guys about the next release. I plan on making it around next weekend.

I originally planned on releasing it today, but something has come in the way, and I need to work on something in the game, I hope you guys can wait for just a bit more. (I realize the last update was, what, a month ago? Sorry!) I really appreciate the interest in the game, and I feel terrible for being so unproductive. The release is pretty much ready for you guys, I just need to add a few things for mugginns, but I fucked up and realized I need to talk to him about his release first, something I forgot to ask yesterday when I had him, and from what I hear he won't be here for the next many days, so that is why I'm saying next weekend, to not disappoint :P

In any case, know that I'm back for the game on a semi-regular basis, though I need to study as well, obviously :)

Till next time, thanks for sticking with us, you guys are great!


Saturday, 16 May 2015

Yet Another Quick Update

Okay, so I handed over the game to Crouler on Tuesday, but unfortunately I've nit seen hide nor hair of him(him being very busy and all that jazz). That said, a release could come out soon. This update is really just to say I'm not working on it any more(for now).

Mugginns A'GoGo

Friday, 8 May 2015

Quick Update

Title explains it all really. I would say most of the work has been done at this point. The quest has been implemented and play tested(I still expect a few bugs to pop up here and there, you people do unexpected things). Just making a hand full of sprites right now, then its on to filling the onsen with with customers and their forgettable lines.
I should also mention that all of Zaroz's(AKA Spellmaster6) current spell checked work has been added for the next release(which shouldn't bee too long away).
That's all folks.

Mugginns A'GoGo,