Sunday, 19 January 2014

Crouler lives! All hail the Croulzors! :D

So, I'm still here. While Muggins is slaving at the maps, I'm drinking margaritas on a southern beach while banging enough ladies to make the Divine cry out with envy, I left all the work to everyone but me.

Actually, that's a lie... But, in a perfect world, this would happen.

As things are, we are working hard on making a good update for you.

I'm currently working on some random quests here and there to make the world more lively.
A quick heads up about the next release!

The next release will not only have the player castle but 2 new major areas to the capital,
The commons and the noble's area.

That mixed with the castle will add A LOT of new area to cover, and Fuar is still not filled.
So, I would like to make it clear right now, while I'm working to make content for all areas, when they are new there will not be much to do right away. Only the necessities, like you saw in Fuar. Fuar is pretty much empty of content except for the Mugginns quest.

I will however make it known that all areas will have the same quest and stuff-to-do density as the rest of the game! We can however not add a completed area such as Rei-Long Oak in one update, and it will take many releases to make it on par with that, the capital or Everlight. In the end it will be just as good though.

In any case, while muggins is still working on the maps I will do my best to add some stuff to do in the empty areas that can be found around the current game, so hopefully you'll have lots to do in the next release!

As always, thanks so much for all the support! Our fan base keeps growing, and it is all thanks to you guys!
It feels amazing working with the goal of giving you guys something to try, and I'm proud to be at the very center of it all!

You rock!



  1. wow sounds like a massive update, really looking forward to it.

  2. You guys rock! I can't wait for that huge update. Keep up the good work guys and good job on everything done so far.
