Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Updates on the next build

So, going through Mugginns stuff, I find that, seeing as I have no idea of what he meant on
different story parts etc. fixing the bugs is impossible for me. I'm pretty much
in a state of "Da fuq just happened" all the time :P So, until Mugginns has some time
to explain to me what he meant to happen I can't release this build since it
would be bugged.

He is very busy, and I'm not sure I'll see him until the weekend, and I'm sorry about
that. We all wanted you guys to play the game as soon as possible, but we need to
attend to these bugs first.

I hope you'll have a bit of patience, waiting just a few more days!

As always, thanks for all the continued support! I love you guys! :D



  1. Don't you pin this on me! You can release it and I'll do the bugs when they show up

    1. Unfortunately,the quest doesn't start correctly from where it was left of, it still says "next release" and even when bypassing it messes up at the mine xD So there's no new gameplay working, so we must fix before releasing xD

    2. That can't be right. What kind of "bypassing" did you do?Because moving the player start point won't work you know.

  2. maby give it 2 us cueler im sure jour loayl followers liek us 200/more will be abe l2 find it out faster then u braekign jour neck on tying 2 figure it out :D

  3. btw not sure but sounds like a triger problem 2 me not tah ti haev any knolidge of making thing liek that :D dam thos dam securety is hard tink il laern 2 raed japanesce before i have no trobel 2 raed thos dam chartehrs :D

    1. I'm back on the project,some missing switches here and there but I'm working through it.Next release should be tomorrow

  4. Hi, I've only started playing but the game seems great. I thought that maybe you should add a little readme for some folks having problem with RGSS Player, telling them to add AloneXP to Data Execution Protection in advanced system settings. :)
