Saturday, 8 April 2023

Progress report

 I am currently working on the next release, and I have been for some time now. I do have less time, but I am also wanting to finish this thing I'm currently adding. It's a new event at the casino that will add some extra special rewards. It's basically a slot machine, only with a fairy controlling it, and the pictures being people, lol. On top of that, I have been adding a lot of other smaller things, though you will need to wait to get more info about that.

All in all, I think the next release will have a nice amount of stuff to do. At least, I hope so. It is taking a while to finish, as always, but I do have more time during the weekends now, so for the first time in a long while, I am putting in work at least once a week! So that's really nice for me. Anyway, sorry about the long wait! Can't wait to show you guys what I've got here :)
