Tuesday, 25 September 2018

AloneXP release

A quick update.

  • Added scene for the onsen
  • Added Addictia
    • First event in Sichill’s house
    • Second event in forest below Everlight
    • Third event is in Rei-Long Oak
    • Fourth Event is in Ceeves Ocean
    • Fifth event in Player’s castle
    • Sixth event at Player’s castle


So, I have come to the conclusion that all that I want in the game has been prepared for or added already. So! This means that I will now go for finishing up the game. That being said, I have no idea how long it will take, but I know I will not add any other things I had planned unless they are prepared for or some such thing. They will instead be moved to a second game if that happens. So that means I will be adding things that are unfinished and not yet added to the game. Only 1 new thing will be made, which will be for the final part of the game unless something turns out impossible without other new maps etc. I want to end this game with a complete product so I will strive to do that.

One thing this means is, I already know what I want of new graphics. So, once we have the funds for creating that, I will close the patreon. It will still take a bit, but it will be soonish. Thank you so much for all of the support on patreon so far! It has been highly appreciated!

Anyway, that was a long post. Hope everyone enjoys the new release and the ones from now on and until we manage to finish the game!


Wednesday, 12 September 2018


So, a long overdue release! I do the updates but have no time to upload and comment on the releases, which is really regrettable. If anyone wants to help out, let me know, I might be able to go more weekly then.

Anyway, this release has a good chunk of content, so let's go straight to that.


  • Added a bit more to the arena. (I might soon power through that, just to end it)
  • Added a lot more to the hospital questline. Let me know if it is too difficult at any point.
  • Various minor additions from earlier weeks that, I, once again, can't remember in detail, sorry!

I hope this release adds something worthwhile!

Thank you to everyone here, we appreciate your continued support! And, Patrons, we love you <3
