So, as most of you may have noticed the blog has been slightly re-designed to make it easier to navigate!
Download links have been placed at the top and a bug report post have been made as well.
The forum posts have been updated as well, making them less gibberish and more coherent.
Tell me what you guys think of this new design! Both the forum posts and the blog!
Anyway, on the the new stuffs in the game!
I finished the last part of Michelle's questline that I can for now. Once I implement the player castle I'll be able to continue on with her fight against the evil that dwells in the country of Emrionge!
Tomorrow I'll start again, but I guess I'll be writing here what is to be done now and what can be finished later.
Things to do before the player castle:
- Farm - The farm will be expanded upon until it reaches a point where I need the main story to progress to give me more maps and events.
- The casino + Arena - The casino and arena is mentioned together. The reason for this is that, even though they are two different questlines they are somewhat intermixed later on. Both will however be expanded upon individually as well as together.
- Succubus in a box - The succubus trapped in a box questline can be expanded upon a fair deal now, and I'm likely to do that before the player castle.
To be done after the main quest progresses:
- Detective work - This questline is royally bugged, and I'm not sure of how to do this. I'll likely have to re-think my approach to the system I use. This can be expanded upon, though I'm likely to make the player castle first seeing as these quests will take a long time to fix AND to add new ones.
- The Gem - This questline can be expanded upon, though not much until I progress the main story, so I'm likely to not do this yet.
- The mysterious Woman - This questline needs some maps that won't be in the game for a LOOOONG time, so don't expect to see this questline expanded upon for some time. Sorry.
- Lej Vakh - Unfortunately this quest line needs the player castle for the next quest. We'll have to wait for this.
As you guys can see there is some way before the castle, but we are getting there. My goal is to do the three mentioned quests to the point where I need the main story to progress, and then once done with all of them, continue the main quest, adding the player's castle as well as the new cities needed.
Anyway, you guys want a work report, I'm sure.
Todays work:
- Added a new weapon.
- Added 1 part in Michelle's questline (Last one possible for now)
Bug Fixing
- Fixed the "Bandit letter" not removing from your inventory, rather duplicating.
I hope you guys enjoy the new blog and forum design, and I hope you are psyched about the new stuff and upcoming stuff to the game! I know I am!
Also, I'd like to extend a thanks! The game is getting more and more popular! I'm not sure if it is you guys talking about it, (You are more than welcome to do so! lol) or if more and more people simply stumble upon my game! In any case, the amount of people playing my game has more than tripled since the last release! I want to thank you all so much for the support! I couldn't believe my own eyes when I saw the download stats today.
So to the new players, and to the old; Thank you! You make it all worthwhile!
Forgot to mention Lej Vakh, so added it up there.